38 percent of Singapore employees are discontented with their company’s training programmes

December 22, 2021 13:54

High dissatisfaction with company’s L & D programmes

38 percent of Singapore workers have reported being dissatisfied with their company’s training programmes, according to a Workforce Learning in Workplace Transformation report published by the NTUC Learning Hub

Employees have described the programmes as either fair, bad, or very bad. The limited range of topics covered by the programmes was the top reason for their poor ratings of their company’s learning and development programmes (L & D). Other reasons include having a conventional and boring training approach and learning topics that are not relevant to their career advancements.


More employees are upskilling outside of their workplace

As a result of the poorly designed company training programmes, 55 percent of employees are upskilling outside their workplace to remain relevant (70 percent) and stay competitive (61 percent). Enhancing training programmes can actually help with talent retention with 86 percent of surveyed employees stating that “availability and comprehensiveness of training courses” are key factors for staying in their jobs. However, 29 percent of respondents also felt that their companies do not act upon feedback shared from post-training evaluations to improve their training programmes.

Do you feel that upskilling your staff is necessary for your company’s growth? What do you think can be done to further improve training programmes for your employees?