How to Get Promoted at Work

CareerJuly 19, 2023 16:00


After you have settled into your new role and learnt the ropes, what’s next? Naturally, you would desire to rise through the ranks to a managerial position. In this article, we will share actionable tips for landing a promotion!

What Will Hinder You From Being Promoted

First of all, you need to examine yourself objectively. Do you possess any negative traits which prevent you from being promoted? Several deselection factors include having a defeatist attitude and weak interpersonal skills.

1. A Defeatist Attitude: You cannot have the mindset that getting promoted is out of your control. Such a defeatist attitude will only make you lethargic and passive. While your company makes the final decision, you can significantly increase your chances by distinguishing yourself as an ideal candidate. Be proactive; your can-do attitude will open more doors than you can imagine!

2. Weak Interpersonal Skills: Leadership is all about seeing the potential in others—and harnessing it for the good of your organisation. Therefore, don’t sabotage your colleagues in a bid to realise your own ambitions. Putting your team members down in order to make yourself look better is a counter-productive move.

How To Get Promoted At Work

The prerequisite for being considered for a promotion is that you exceed established expectations. You are a high performer who goes above and beyond. If you’re just doing the bare minimum (or even struggling in certain aspects of your role), how can your boss entrust you with more responsibility?

However, it’s not sufficient to be an excellent worker; you also need to show signs that you’re leadership material. Here are 3 tips to help you get promoted at work:

1. Volunteer for Projects: Regularly get involved in inter-departmental projects and company-wide events. If an opportunity arises for you to add immense value, don't hesitate to offer your help. Besides signalling your dedication and initiative, you can have another platform to showcase your unique talents.

You will also show your boss that you possess a growth mindset. Every challenge which pushes you out of your comfort zone is welcomed. You are eager to polish your existing skills—and master new ones.

2. Get Noticed: The next step is to make your contributions visible and get on your boss’ radar screen. If the management is not aware of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, how can they consider you for promotion?

When you create value for your company, claim it. You’re not boasting by taking credit for your achievements—you’re simply stating facts and building your personal brand! Be straightforward and specific. Don’t forget to credit those who have supported you along the way too.

3. Demonstrate Excellent Communication Skills: Guiding and managing people hinges on one key element—communication. As a leader, you will have to practise active listening to make your team members feel valued. Furthermore, you need to have the ability to give constructive feedback so your team can improve.

Despite the fact that you do not currently have a team under you, you can still start today! Build rapport; encourage your colleagues after they face a setback at work. Remember to develop solid relationships with external stakeholders as well.


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