Learning from President Tharman: The 'Ong Lai' Approach to Winning Hearts and Votes

CareerSeptember 19, 2023 09:00

On September 14, 2023, at 7:25 PM, President Tharman Shanmugaratnam was sworn in as Singapore's ninth president. His journey to the presidency was marked by a remarkable campaign strategy that captured the hearts and minds of Singaporean voters. From his clever use of the pineapple as a campaign symbol to his strong emphasis on respect for all, President Tharman's approach offers valuable lessons for Singapore workers. In this article, we will delve into President Tharman's emotional intelligence (EQ), people management skills, and his winning campaign strategy.

The Power of Symbols

President Tharman's campaign symbol, the pineapple, played a pivotal role in his election success. In Singaporean culture, the pineapple is associated with good fortune, prosperity, and hospitality. It is often used to symbolise rolling good fortune into new homes and businesses. By choosing the pineapple as his symbol, President Tharman tapped into a symbol that resonated deeply with people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.

The pineapple symbol also reflected his emphasis on inclusivity and the tagline "Respect For All." This choice was a departure from traditional political logos, making it memorable and relatable to ordinary citizens. It represented Singapore’s cultural norms rather than just the candidate, fostering a sense of unity.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Action

President Tharman's campaign showcased his high emotional intelligence (EQ), a crucial quality for effective leadership. He demonstrated an understanding of the emotional state of the electorate, recognizing their concerns about issues like the cost of living and mental health.

The tagline "Respect For All" addressed these concerns directly, resonating with voters who were looking for leadership that understood their challenges. This empathetic approach helped him connect with people who were generally unhappy and angry, fostering a sense of trust and understanding.

Moreover, President Tharman's use of the Hokkien term "ong lai" (pineapple) during his campaign speeches demonstrated his ability to communicate in a way that people could instantly connect with emotionally. This linguistic choice showcased his EQ, making him relatable and endearing to voters.

Connecting on a Personal Level

One of the standout aspects of President Tharman's campaign was his ability to connect with voters on a personal level. He made the pineapple symbol tangible by gifting a pineapple to a drinks stall worker during a walkabout. This simple gesture turned the pineapple into a symbol of shared gifts and goodwill.

Furthermore, President Tharman's supporters embraced the pineapple symbol with enthusiasm, donning pineapple-themed outfits and using "ong lai" chants during campaign events. This level of engagement and excitement among supporters highlighted his ability to inspire and mobilise people effectively.

Lessons for Singapore Workers

President Tharman's remarkable campaign provides valuable lessons for Singapore workers in various aspects:

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Developing high EQ can help workers connect better with colleagues, superiors, and clients. Understanding the emotions and concerns of others allows for more effective communication and collaboration.

Effective Communication: President Tharman's choice of words and symbols demonstrated the importance of clear and relatable communication. Workers can benefit from improving their communication skills to convey ideas and messages more effectively.

Unity and Inclusivity: The emphasis on unity and inclusivity in President Tharman's campaign can inspire workers to foster a sense of unity in their workplaces. Embracing diversity and respecting different perspectives can lead to a more harmonious work environment.

Creativity and Symbolism: Using creativity and symbolism in the workplace can make a lasting impression. Creative approaches to problem-solving and presenting ideas can capture the attention and support of colleagues and supervisors.

Mobilising Support: President Tharman's ability to mobilise supporters can serve as a lesson for workers seeking to build alliances and support for their projects or initiatives. Engaging others and fostering enthusiasm can lead to greater success.

Pave the Way

President Tharman Shanmugaratnam's successful presidential campaign was marked by emotional intelligence, effective communication, and a powerful symbol—the pineapple. Singapore workers can draw valuable lessons from his campaign strategy, applying these principles to their professional lives to enhance their effectiveness and impact in the workplace. Just as the pineapple symbolises prosperity, President Tharman's approach can pave the way for a prosperous and harmonious work environment.

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