Navigating the Recent COVID-19 Surge in Singapore: Guidance for Companies and Workers

GeneralMay 20, 2024 09:00

Editor’s Note: This article provides an update on the latest COVID-19 situation in Singapore and offers guidance on what to do if you contract the virus, including specific advice for companies, workers, and parents. Stay informed and follow the recommended protocols to ensure safety and health during this time.

Singapore is currently experiencing a significant rise in COVID-19 cases, nearly doubling week-on-week. This surge has led to increased hospitalisations and necessitated new protocols to manage the strain on the healthcare system. Here’s what companies and workers, including parents, need to know about the latest situation and the steps to take if they contract COVID-19.

Current COVID-19 Situation

The Ministry of Health (MOH) reports that the number of COVID-19 infections rose to 25,900 in the week of May 5 to 11, a 90% increase from the previous week. Hospitalizations have also increased, with an average of 250 daily cases. The predominant strains, KP.1 and KP.2, account for over two-thirds of the cases. Although these variants are not more transmissible or severe than previous strains, the rise in cases indicates a need for vigilance.

New Measures by Public Hospitals

To manage the increase in cases, public hospitals are reducing non-urgent elective surgeries and moving suitable patients to Transitional Care Facilities or home-based care through the Mobile Inpatient Care@Home program. The MOH urges people with mild symptoms to avoid emergency departments to ensure that hospital resources are reserved for severe cases.


What Should Workers Do If They Get COVID-19?

Recognise the Symptoms: COVID-19 can manifest in various ways, including fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. If you experience these symptoms, take the following steps:

1. Self-Isolate:

  • If you have mild symptoms, stay at home until you recover.
  • If you test positive with an ART test, consider yourself infected and avoid close contact with others.

2. Seek Medical Attention:

  • Medically vulnerable individuals (seniors, those with chronic conditions) or those with severe or worsening symptoms should see a doctor.
  • For non-urgent cases, consult a healthcare provider virtually if possible.

3. Exercise Social Responsibility:

  • Wear a mask if you need to go out while symptomatic.
  • Minimise social interactions and avoid crowded places.
  • Avoid visiting vulnerable settings like hospitals and nursing homes.


For Employers:

1. Flexible Work Arrangements:

  • Allow employees who test positive but are well enough to work from home.
  • Grant paid sick leave without requiring a medical certificate for those who can’t work from home.

2. Communication and Support:

  • Discuss and agree on the sick leave period with employees.
  • Encourage employees to update their vaccination status to reduce severe illness.


Vaccination Updates

To combat waning immunity, the MOH is emphasising the importance of staying up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations. Approximately 80% of the local population have not received a vaccine dose in the last year. Updated vaccines are free for all eligible residents.

Where to Get Vaccinated:

  • Healthier SG Clinics: About 250 clinics islandwide are offering COVID-19 vaccinations, with more being added.
  • Mobile Vaccination Teams: Deployed to heartland locations to reach seniors and other residents.
  • Joint Testing and Vaccination Centres: Extended hours from 9am to 7pm on Saturdays and eves of public holidays from May 21 to June 29.


Personal and Social Responsibility

General Public:

  • Maintain good personal hygiene.
  • Reduce social interactions when unwell.
  • Wear masks in crowded places or when visiting vulnerable individuals.


  • Stay vigilant and adopt travel precautions. Visit MOH’s Health Advisory for Travellers for more information.

Emergency Department Use:

  • Reserve hospital emergency services for serious or life-threatening conditions. For mild symptoms, seek alternatives like telehealth services to reduce the burden on hospitals.



As Singapore navigates this new wave of COVID-19 infections, it’s crucial for everyone—companies, workers, and families—to stay informed and act responsibly. By following the updated protocols and continuing to prioritise vaccination, we can help manage the current surge and protect our community. Stay safe and proactive in these challenging times.

For more detailed information and updates, please refer to the Ministry of Health’s General Advisory.


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