How Ichigo-Ichie (一期一会) can help us to live our life to the fullest

NewsNovember 05, 2021 08:47


Source: Adobe Stock

Have your ever heard of the Japanese proverb 一期一会 (いちごいちえ – Ichigo ichie)? This proverb originated from the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and it can be literally translated to “once in a lifetime encounter”. This beautiful proverb also conveys the deeper meaning of cherishing every single moment as if it were a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence and that every single meeting with anyone should be regarded as the first and the last and we should appreciate and enjoy the encounter to the fullest.

Ichigo Ichie & The Butterfly effect
Treasuring every single moment can be understood through the butterfly effect theory. The adage “a  butterfly beating its wings in Hong Kong can unleash a storm in New York” suggests that no matter how negligible the change, it could trigger entirely different outcomes due to amplification. In the same vein, although we may never comprehend the full consequences of our choices and behavior, every encounter holds special significance. What each of us will do now will have a vastly different and unique result from what we may do at a subsequent time. Essentially, Ichigo ichie brings forth the idea of cherishing and observing every moment and harnessing our attention to achieve harmony with others and the love of life.

5 ways to incorporate Ichigo Ichie and live our life to the fullest

1) Deliberately look for and embrace special moments.
The more you practice searching for special moments, the better you would be at living in the moment. Do not postpone special moments as each opportunity only appears once. As Bon Jovi sings, “It’s my life~It’s now or never~”.

2) Practise mindfulness and mediation.
Train yourself to be in touch with your senses to explore the richness of our perception. Being mindful would allow you to be more responsive to others’ needs and enhance your level of empathy and influence. Meditation is also a good practice to sit down and observe life in its glorious forms. Step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life (especially with the hectic blurring of work-life boundaries) and open your mind to being more aware of your surroundings.

3) Stay in the present and take note of coincidences.
Stop ruminating on past events or try to predict the future. Both are beyond your control. Focus on the current situation and explore possibilities in the present. Keeping a journal where you take note of coincidental moments would help you to keep track of such signs sent by the universe, enhancing your ability to follow the invisible threads of reality.

4) If you are not happy with something, change yourself or try something new!
As Einstein once famously mentioned, you cannot do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Be open-minded to trying new things to achieve unforgettable moments. Create and reinvent yourself if you find your life too dull and predictable to apply Ichigo ichie.

5) C'est La Vie--seize the day!
Live as though this moment is going to happen only once in your life and stop waiting for the right time or right circumstances to celebrate and experience life. Every meeting could be a party--a call for celebration. Greet and say goodbye to your loved ones and acquaintances bearing in mind the philosophy of Ichigo ichie and you will find every encounter meaningful and inspiring.

Ichigo ichie teaches us to learn to let go of expectations and imperfections, be compassionate to ourselves and others, and live truly in the moment. 
What are your thoughts on this Japanese philosophy Ichigo ichie?

What is one thing you would do to cherish every encounter and appreciate the moment?