3 Ways to Stay Focused When Working from Home

GeneralOctober 30, 2020 17:46

Written by Max Loong

For some, having the opportunity to work from home might seem to be an ideal way to work. While it can be a great way to get rid of distractions faced in the workplace (e.g. office chatter, commuting, unscheduled meetings, etc.), the lack of structure and not knowing how to draw the line will conversely affect your productivity and focus too. Here are some tips that can help you make the best use of working from home arrangements so that you stay focused, and get things done on time.

1. Set boundaries

One of the most common issue people faces while working from home is when work bleeds into their personal time. If you’re distracted at work most of the time, chances are that you’ll get your work done slower. Treat your home like a regular office, set a contract with yourself on your working hours and stick to it. Create and maintain boundaries (physical boundaries included) with yourself that fits your personality and allow you to work at your best.


2. Structure your priorities

Working alone might give you a feeling of aimlessness, so it’s important to get your priorities right before your day starts. Figure out which objective setting method suits you the most. You may write down a list of daily tasks before the start of your workday, some prefer to do it the night before. You may also find it useful to set two sets of objectives — one set to complete by lunch, and another before the end of the workday. This reduces your risk of procrastinating and enables you to prioritise more important tasks.


3. Schedule breaks

Setting boundaries also takes into account time to get distracted too. Staying focused at work is not about time-management solutions, but rather attention-management solutions. Various research shows that people who take breaks in between work are more productive than those who do not. The importance of this is to follow a schedule for short breaks. To maximise the benefits for your brain, your break has to be a different activity. If your job is to write, don’t take a break that involves reading. Instead, go for a walk, do some laundry, or sweep the floor. This sends oxygen to your brain to keep you more alert.


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